23 September 2011

Digital Advertising, More Bang for your Buck

The marketing and advertising industry has taken a particularly hard knock in recent economic downturn; however it appears that the online divisions are going from strength to strength.

Spending on internet advertising in the UK topped £3.5 billion in 2009, for the first time it beat television ad spending. This was a first for not only the UK, but internationally. The high in 2009 capped what can only be described as an extraordinary decade when, in 2000, internet ad spend topped £153m, a growth by 2,200 per cent. 

What does this mean for the average businesses? The truth of the matters is: your money reaches more people and goes a lot further through online advertising than it would through the use of other more traditional means of advertising. 

This is the first recession of the digital age, and know one truly knew the impact that it would have, but the increase in internet ad spending speaks volumes in showing that some areas of the media are more that merely getting by.

The transition for the more traditional marketing agencies has not been smooth or easy, which does not bode well for those businesses and clients who turn to those agencies to help them through the marketing landscape. 

Those who were slow to respond to the changing technologies and subsequent consumer habits are being punished for slow reactions by loss of revenue and wasted money on what is now considered as dead marketing. 

Internet ad spend is set to increase and those who have been reluctant to spend will now have to become much bolder in how they choose to not be left in the dark, this I believe will put traditional marketing agencies and media providers into very choppy water. 

Traditional methods step aside, the internet has truly come of age.

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